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<> Protect Stamp
Textile Stamp
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👩‍👧‍👦It can be difficult for children, especially younger children, to understand the importance of regular hand washing. COLOP has developed a solution to help parents make sure their children are washing their hands regularly throughout the day.

Just three simple steps:

🦠 STAMP: Stamp the imprint of the virus monster on the back or inside of the child's hand in the morning right after getting up

👏🏽 WASH: The virus monster imprint only disappears if hands are washed regularly (after approx. 5 washes with soap and water)

🛡️ PROTECT: If everything is done correctly, the imprint should no longer be visible by the evening

The stamp ink has been dermatologically tested (awarded "Excellent" by the Dermatest Institute).
Microban® technology is built into every Protect Kids Stamp to inhibit bacterial growth on the stamp throughout its product life.


Who is the stamp for?
The stamp is aimed at families, including children and anyone who needs to be reminded of regular hand washing by means of a simple and creative concept, in order to further reduce the risk of infection.
Of course, using the "Protect Kids Stamp" is not a substitute for all other recommended measures to protect yourself and your fellow human beings, but rather a practical and playful support.

Production and manufacturing
The "Protect Kids Stamp" is produced at the main plant in Wels, Austria or, depending on the model, at the second production site in the Czech Republic, which guarantees short, quick and safe delivery routes.

Colour and durability
Every "Protect Kids Stamp" is delivered with a dermatologically certified stamp ink. The ink used is harmless to the skin. Each stamp holds for up to approx. 3,000 imprints or, in the case of making five to six imprints daily, for around 500 days.

Antibacterial protection
The Microban® technology, which is incorporated into each stamp, gives the “Protect Kids Stamp” protection against harmful microbes and inhibits the growth of bacteria throughout the product life of the stamp. Since Microban® is incorporated during the production process, the protection does not wash off or wear off. However, Microban® does not protect against viruses or inhibit the spread of viruses.